Since 2002 Confident Engineering is dedicating itself in the task of water and waste water treatment and recycling. Thereby contributing to sustainability of the environment.
We have developed Electro-Coagulation technology for installation of water treatment plant. This indigenously developed technology is also patented.
50,000 sq. feet factory equipped with latest welding and testing equipment, measuring instruments, Computer Aided Designing and SOLID WORK SOFTWARE to manufactures world class products.
Our waste water treatment offer services in various industries viz-Oil & Gas, Distilleries, Domestic Waste Water, Car Wash, Fish Processing, Textile Processing, Food Processing, Hospital & Laundry, etc.
Across the globe in different types of industries trust Confident Engineering’s technology. We are further making new expansions in different countries.
We are committed to provide customized services catering to the individual requirements of the diverse customers.
Dedicated team possessed with technical know-how offer prompt service to on-site servicing and breakdown, both electrical and mechanical.
Through Water Treatment and Waste Water Management services Confident Engineering is making humble efforts to save precious water of the planet for Next Generation.